Saturday, January 30, 2010


My mum said, "dont loss your temper to those who is not worth it, or else u are nothing but equal to them"
but she also said " sometimes u have to be cruel to be nice"
my BF said, " dont let people put you down, no matter what"


my conscience said "they are just a bunch of people, who has nothing left in them, except to be mad at people. maybe that's their comfort"


  1. Don't be sooo down. U sometimes can't please everybody. Makes amend and be a better person .Holding grudge just will make u a bitter person hence learn to let go for your sake.

  2. that's y i dont mind...i wont take their 'comfort' away...

  3. who's your BF? hahahah saja ulang ayat annes...
    aku suka response ridu bila dia cakap B***H!!!

  4. world consist of different people living with different lifestyle and different attitude.

    we cant hate the fact that living with the bunch of useless people

    but we can try to adapt and learn to live in that community and make ourself worthful.

  5. pedulik kan mereka..
    yang penting ko happy~

  6. response ridu??? b....h? pe bende ko ckp ni vye?

    im trying to stay away. but maybe, things arent so easy to begin with.
