Saturday, January 30, 2010


My mum said, "dont loss your temper to those who is not worth it, or else u are nothing but equal to them"
but she also said " sometimes u have to be cruel to be nice"
my BF said, " dont let people put you down, no matter what"


my conscience said "they are just a bunch of people, who has nothing left in them, except to be mad at people. maybe that's their comfort"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


a big YEAY for my Loowyyyyy

we won runner up for best pet photos 2009, and im really excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yeaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Although loowy's name has been changed, and he wont remember me anymore. still, that little punk will always be the best pet i ever had... seriously =)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

uno dos tres

just spending 2hours in virtual guitar class. not really a class, but something near to that... very2 recommended to those who is beginner, who wants to learn how to play any music instrument and who have very limited time and money like me. the fee is ok, affordable. ok, stop promoting the website dyla. i have been bugging people and telling them about this webbie for a while now, ye anes, ye vye, korang antara nyer la.. and good news is, i m improving.. clap pls. clap clap. want a view on what i learn? alamak, lupe la cmne nak captured screen.alaaa, remind me pls guys.

Spain was awesome.. nice view, good company, very pleasant accommodation, most importantly, no one got robbed or anything like that. i nearly being 'pick pocketed' (wujud ke word ni?). but my chinese look save me since a chinese guy came to rescue me. well, not that dramatic, but it takes a while for us to realise what was happenning since they were talking spanish, and we basically dont understand a thing, yes, i was like a dysphasia person, wondering around talking my own language totally disconnected to them. so anyone going to spain, learn a bit of spanish, it helps a lot. most of them dont know english, at the same level i dont know spanish. imagine how bad it was.
after all its a good experience, and a place worth another visit especially the city where MNG is founded. ye, saya MNG freak. mcm VYE.
i learned few spanish word, like yes=si , no=no, day=dias one=uno.. and used them in conversation with the casher in a Mcdonalds. i was so excited just to be able to use that few words. actually gune "si" and 'uno' tu je..

"learning new things from very basic: it will remind us that we are not so grand or very smart or anything better than anyone, we are just some plain person, trying to be better, trying to push ourselves to the limit." good luck everyone =)

Friday, January 1, 2010


its 2am in the morning, its new year, new numbers on calender. will it be different? i hope grey's would be more awesome this mid jan, they always do.GREEK, u too. ok tak saba gile

im in bristol

and all shops are close tomorrow? a HEll beginning of new year?

happy new year everybody. make sure this year is better than last year, kalo tak, mmg menghabiskan beras je..