Wednesday, May 20, 2009

i have a new friend

i have new friends..and i really like the fact that i have them... maafla vye...

tapi kan, kawan ko jugak vye...

ok ok, my friend is GREEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry vye, mesti ko bosan dgr ni byk kali

whatever it is, greek is superb... at first i tried to watch this because i want to get my mind out of greys's finale episode which make me sad every time they cross my mind...seriously, grey's, i hate u.. ok hate u for 2 seconds only. but after a while, i love greek not because i hate grey's for 2 seconds but because greek is hillarious, funny, handsome, beautiful, not real(greys is about real life, so i just cant take it lightly), etc etc...and i do not cry watching this. thanks.

so sume, sila la tgk greek....cause u guys should have new friends too...

p/s mus,jgn kawan ngn cicak jer...hehe


  1. ngokngek da abes exam ,tgok sume benda ko ek.jeles2

  2. hehe...mane ade sume...greek jer..sementara grey's takde yg baru ni kan...

    kenape dino senyum?

  3. haahha..tgh downloaddd...anyways..aku yg ajar vye suh tengookkkk..damn..hehe

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. cheh annes,nak jugak kredit tuh...

    dyla, dont hate grey's...hate shonda rhimes for making us to be like this...sob3...

    yes3..greek sgt best...
    if that really a case,aku nk wat statement ko berbunyi lebih indah....
    vye has a new friend too...

    p/s: komen di atas aku yg delete...sbb berlambak2 typing errors..

  6. hehe...tapi ko tak tgk plak annes? gi la tgk, bes tol...

    asal byk typo errors?? hahahahahah
    i hate greys 2 secs je la weh....

  7. hihi...sukenye die ade kawan baru
